Wishing all my Readers a very Happy and Kinky New Year!  
     Especially, the readers I have met that have become friends and playmates (you know who you are).  This little side hobby of mine has some nice perks here and there.  Your friendship is the highest amongst them.  

     Another shout out to fellow Bloggers, Photographers, Readers Contributors and Affiliates.  Thank you for sharing material that I in return can share with others.

     Man, so many people I would have liked to give a New Year’s Midnight Kiss to tonight.  But, that was clearly reserved for the one very special man in my life, the love of my life for 18 yrs now, who gave the most wonderful loving Toast at our party tonight that I’ll never forget.  I truly am blessed.  

     If I can pass along any words of wisdom I was reminded of in 2012, it would be something very simple.   Try to treat each other with Understanding, Respect and Compassion.  It’s very clear that over time, we gain an adopted family and sometimes, as Gay Men (and Women), each other IS all we have.  We need to be there for each other.   Love each other.  

And, yes, sometimes… “LOVEEEE” each other.  😉

“Give Compassion to receive Compassion”– M

See you all again in 2013!    

Play Hard.

Play Ruff.


Free Shipping at Mr S Leather until December 19th!

Did you hear that, Santa?  That’s right. FREE SHIPPING until December 19th at Mr S Leather.  Now your Fat Ass doesn’t even have to creep down my chimney with all the items on my Perverted Wish List.  You can just have them mailed over for free.  

I promise, I won’t open the packages until Christmas day.  You can trust me.

Ruff’s Wish List

Latex Max Security Locking ShortsStandard Combination IronsCatapultThe Rubber Puffy HoodStainless Steel Chastity Cock CageFetters Sit SlingShort Sleeve Leather Police ShirtRubber Tread PaddleStriped Latex CodpieceBlack Nitrile (non-Latex) GlovesLatex Gloves - Wrist Length
Ball Bondage BalloonThin Latex Cock & Balls Sheath