UPDATED: Name that Porn!

UPDATED: It’s called “Berlin Dungeon“.
———————–Piglet Ray asks….


I ran across your blog and have been enjoying what I have been seeing. I thought that you might be able to possibly help me here. I had had the attached photos since at least 2005. I have been trying to figure out what video this photos are from for a bit of time now so I figured I’d ask if you had seen them before or if you knew who any of the ‘actors’ were. I can say this much from what I’ve been able to determine- it seems to be filmed in Hamburg as all of the posters on the walls advertise events at the Slut Club in Hamburg. Any ideas? Go ahead and use the photos on your blog if you like.

Piglet Ray
Great Lakes Regional Bootblack

Reader Submission: “Slave of F”

“Slave-of-F” (on gayromeo) was using this photo for his Twitter profile for a while.  He took the photo for his MASTER to show him what he would be finding at home waiting for him.    Sorta fell for this photo. It’s now a saved favorite. Very sexy how the posture collar covers his entire neck topped off with a Master’s Cap. 

It’s funny how sometimes you take a photo with a cell phone it turns out to be piece of art.   Thank you for sharing, handsome.