Category Archives: Ruff Thoughts
Ruff Thoughts: My Favorite…. Latex Cock Sheaths
Pretty much my all time favorite way to get off. With a Latex Cock Sheath.
More Blog Entries on Cock Sheaths HERE.
Quote of the Day
“I believe that if, at the end of it all, according to our abilities, we have done something to make others a little happier, and something to make ourselves a little happier, that is about the best we can do.
To make others less happy is a crime. To make ourselves unhappy is where all crime starts.
We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, our circumstances. We must try. I didn’t always know this, and am happy I lived long enough to find it out.” – Roger Ebert, Film Critic
Ruff Thoughts: Caterpillar Chastity Cage
LOL: SNL writers cover Robyn’s “Call Your Girlfriend”
World AIDS Day
I’m Torn
The result of gaining 6 lbs of Muscle… all in my thigh. A “Stylish” 1 inch hole in jeans I had not worn in a few months suddenly became this monstrosity just from me getting into my Truck.
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Week #7 of 12. |
It seems the Muscle Building Program (FREE!) I’ve been following over at REALJOCK has been working. I’m finally getting thighs like TallboyTX!!
Free Shipping at Mr S Leather until December 19th!
Did you hear that, Santa? That’s right. FREE SHIPPING until December 19th at Mr S Leather. Now your Fat Ass doesn’t even have to creep down my chimney with all the items on my Perverted Wish List. You can just have them mailed over for free.
I promise, I won’t open the packages until Christmas day. You can trust me.
Twitter Poll: “What’s an Instant Scene/Boner Killer for you?’
A few days ago I asked the question “What’s an Instant Scene/Boner Killer for you?” on my Twitter account. Below are a few of the responses (names witheld). Some are meant to be very funny and others are insightful.
Next Poll, “What was your First Real Fetish?”, to follow later this week.
– Offering to shoot drugs… Or the top calls me Son.
– See Tarzan, hear Jane
– Getting to trades place and seeing a glass coffee table and some laxatives.
– Bonerkiller: “I’m not a top.” well I’ll tie you down and you’ll do whatever the hell I make you do!
– smoking kills my interest in playing pretty quick.
– Rubens paintings of large Dutch ladies
– Bad electro top, or public scenes where people mess with stuff they shouldn’t
– Tickling. It’s pretty much the only way to get me back in chastity.
– When someone starts talking about the amount or the price of the gear they have.
– Lies.
– Shart.
Tomorrow’s Work Out
I’ve done this one before. It’s a Killer. I leave with my Biceps feeling they’re gonna burst. Highly recommend‘s Muscle Building Program. (FREE!)
Quote of the Day
Got a New Shirt….
RUFF THOUGHTS: Daddy & boy flogging at Folsom
Ran across this today. Brief video of my Daddy and I doing flogging demos at Folsom Street Fair (at 1:23 in the video). This was the first time I had flogged anyone in public. Won’t lie, I was a a bit nervous. I was encouraged by my Daddy that I knew what I was doing and that I had a fantastic Puppy to work with who was very communicative (and TOUGH!). I quickly forgot there was anyone else there but me and the Puppy. It was sort of a breakthrough scene for us both as he had never been flogged in public before either.
Each time the Puppy needed a break… I’d hold, stroke and kiss him. When he was ready for more… he’d wag his Tail yelling “SIR, more please, SIR!”.
What a day that was. With my Daddy there, complimenting me later, I felt like I had come full circle. Just an amazing day. One I won’t forget.
Sexy Red Head
Sent to me by a Twisted Friend
This week’s gym routine from
HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all my “Follower”….
Filed under “FAVORITE”
How Big is that Ego in the Window?
How Big is that Ego in the Window?
By Olivier Pratt
…. next time you see someone behaving from a place of ego, call them on it. Explain to them how their actions and behavior reflects upon all of us. Let’s see if we can return to a day, where it really was special to be a Leatherman and not just an exercise in ego inflation and personal glorification…..
This is a fantastic article. It’s sad to hear that the author had to go what he did to find his place in the community. Talk about a negative helping hand.
All too often we see “THAT GUY” at events, in clubs or groups. One individual that is always finding his/her way onto stage repeatedly, always the MC, reminding people of the porn they’ve been in or ALL the things they have done for the community. “Welcome to my Little Swaray” is something heard often. Instead of showboating, they should be finding the new people in the crowd and making them feel welcome.
We’ve all been there. We all know how overwhelmingly scary at your first event. It’s a second coming out. We all need a Mentor or two to help hold our hands when we start this journey of self discovery. I’m still very close friends with my original “De-Mentor” (as I call affectionately call him) here in Chicago. Don’t know where I’d be without him!
(Probably Toledo Ohio…)
Personally, I feel I’ve been “THAT GUY”. It can be intoxicating. And obnoxious. It’s easy to loose track of who you are (and loose friendships) in that spotlight. These days, the honest truth is… I reject that sort of attention. Turning down many opportunities unless my heart is into it and for the benefit of others. It’s all about Quality Friendships (and playtime) these days.
If anyone slaps your hand as you’re getting into the Kink Scene, let me know. I will kick their ass. (Or viciously rearrange all their iPod playlists with Kylie).
Early Fetishes
I have many, many memories of early childhood fetishes. One that stands out each time I think of Star Wars would be the “Rubber” Collar the Storm Troopers wore. Fascinated by the black material that covered most of Luke and Han’s neck… and how tight it might be… I started playing with Rubber at an early age to replicate it. I remember cutting open a Inner Tube and wrapping it around my neck. Not understanding why it felt so good.
This is also how I discovered that I enjoyed breath control and choking. Not too smart for a kid to be doing, agreed, but… it did lead to my first “WHAT THE FUCK JUST CAME OUT OF MY DICK?!?” moments (that are now a daily part of my life now).
I later stuck a Storm Trooper Action Figure up my Butt. No joke. I had 2. One for playing with. And one for “playing” with.
Please hold the “Almighty Sarlacc” jokes. I’ve already made them.
Dungeon Music
Last night I went to see the Ryan Gosling movie “DRIVE” which had a mesmerizing soundtrack by Cliff Martinez. It’s very dark, slow and even a bit moody. Listening to it on my laptop just made me think how cool this would be for a boy to listen to during a long term bondage scene. The first 5 songs are by artists that match the tone of the composer.
Check it out. The movie’s terrific, Ryan Gosling is incredibly sexy (in leather gloves) and you may agree that the soundtrack is great Dungeon Music.
The first video below is a Sampler of the songs from the Soundtrack. I liketrack called “KICK YOUR TEETH”.