MY FAVORITE: Leather Straitjacket

All time favorite bondage? It’d have to be… “Hands down” (Pun Intended)… Leather Straitjacket. The first time I tried one was at Mr S Leather in San Francisco about 13 years ago. I remember just going silent and feeling a sense of euphoria I had never felt before. The weight of the leather pulling down on my body as well as pulling tight. Truly like a big Leather Hug. We got back home to Ohio and I immediately started a “SJ FUND”. Didn’t take long with selling used gear on eBay before I made the biggest BDSM purchase of my life. Again, that was 3 years ago. And the jacket is still around, in perfect condition.

Looking to get a Straitjacket?

2 Tips:

1) Buy the Mr S one. I’ve had 3 leather SJ. 2 from other stores. The other 2 ripped or were just not made for rough play.

2) Go all out. While I got and love the feel of the quilted padding, I didn’t spend the extra money to have the SJ lined with leather. And I deeply regret that. Don’t go paying that $$$ and then wish you had more added to it.