RUFF THOUGHTS: “BlueEyes85_”

I know it’s going to sound like the Daddy in me is speaking but I wanted to share something special.

To me, one of the most rewarding things as a Leatherman is when I have the privilege of being of a part of a friend’s growth into a happier person… or Puppy.

During MAL 2019, @BlueEyes85_ (on IG) tried on my Leather Puppy Hood (and then again later).  Once it was on, I could see in his beautiful eyes that something had clicked.

After MAL, he told me how it impacted him. A sense of euphoria and calmness came to him reliving a weekend scene he had many years ago.  He immediately started designing his own CUSTOM Leather Puppy Hood.   I ordered him (he likes orders and protocol) to wait until his big bonus came in.  During facetime, I gave him permission and much encouragement to start his Puppy journey.

Mr S Leather said it would take up to a month for him to get his Hood (and “WOOFY Tail”) but…  surprise surprise… it arrived in a week!    We then facetimed again for the big Puppy reveal.   The screenshot is the first time he saw himself in his custom hood.  He’s slept in it two nights in a row now.

He is SO happy with his purchase which in returns makes me very happy.   It’s also got me tossing around the idea of getting a hood myself (I tasked him with designing one for me).

Now @BlueEyes85_ (on IG) just needs a Pup name.

If you have a kinky Instagram account, you can follow him on HERE.

“Blueeyes85oregon”: CBT & Chastity

“Blueeyes85oregon” has been locked in the Nub since after #MAL2019. He just wrapped up his balls while in Chastity.. and then sat on them.

Blueeyes85oregon on Instagram