Tag Archives: Kylie Minogue
Mike Munich – “SEXERCIZE 2.0”
Kylie Minogue – Say Something (Official Video)
If you know me, you’re not surprised
that I shared this.
“Miss Minogue… how many glitter effects
would you like in your video?”
To any new friends and followers I’ve made over the last two years who have not seen what I’m like during a new “Kylie Era”…
…. Brace yourself.
Are you waiting for me to SAY SOMETHING??? My new album DISCO is released November 6th and will be available to pre-order from Thursday morning at 00:01 BST
#KylieDisco pic.twitter.com/En7MBDg6HE
— Kylie Minogue (@kylieminogue) July 21, 2020
NEW Kylie <3
When you get home after being in the VIP Secrion at a Kylie Minogie concert.
(See tweet comment) pic.twitter.com/Y8CCUJtBzW
— Ruff’s Stuff Blog (@RuffsStuffBlog) September 28, 2018
Also me… LOL!
Me: I'm tired. I'm gonna go home.
*DJ starts playing Kylie*
Me: pic.twitter.com/QX0sjeabSq— Anthony Balderrama (@anthelonious) July 5, 2017