Thanks to “Pup Artie” for pointing out this weird toy. Looks like a Ball Gag in that Bear’s mouth.
"What I lack in personality I make up for in cum gutters." – QOTD
— Pup Artie (@rubberrudder) July 29, 2015
Me: Just this pack of condoms please.. Cashier: Do you need a bag? Me: No thanks, he’s not that ugly…
— Joey (@LFC_Lambert) August 11, 2015
What makes me have a giggle over this Amazon review is that I’ve seen people kept inside this cage for long periods of time. Is it the price of the cage that hold them back from exploding out of it when they want out?
It gives a new perspective to the phrase “It isn’t Bondage until you want out” and can’t get out.
@MrSLeather hoodies are the @MichaelKors purses of gay San Francisco
— Paddy Melt (@AuthentiCaliPat) June 9, 2015
“You want a good boy but you need a bad puppy.” – me to @IntlLthrboy2011 after watching the #GoT finale
— Pup Artie (@rubberrudder) June 16, 2015
A LURID DIGS classic. @DAVID_LYNCH does Doogie Howser via Recon.
— David K (@luriddigs) June 8, 2015
No, I can’t host. I live with my dad. “Damn…” – Half of Scruff “Oh that’s hot!” – Other half of Scruff
— Pup Artie (@rubberrudder) June 8, 2015