Semen contains a natural anti-depressant.
— OMG Facts SEX (@OMGFactsSex) May 15, 2014
Tag Archives: LOL
LOL!: Extreme Bondage?
RUFF THOUGHTS: “Keep Em’ Guessing”
People are fascinating.
Last saturday night, I was making my way to the exit of Jackhammer bar where I ran into an old co-worker where we proceeded to catch up and leave the bar together. A very sexy built Ginger who we’ll call “Bubba”… just because when he reads this he’ll have a good laugh. “Bubba” is a very sweet man that I don’t see often because we run in different “circles” of friends and both have odd hours with jobs. A long while back, when we were co-workers, we had an incident happen where we saved a man’s life in a very crazy situation. So, needless to say, that was a bonding experience for us.
As we started to leave, we both keep getting stopped by friends. Mind you, the music in Jackhammer is L-O-U-D… but I can still hear his friends. “Who the hell is that guy you’re leaving with? Is he gonna tie your down and pound your Ass into oblivion?” was one of the many comments (and looks) I overheard in the bar along with “Bubba’s” giggle saying “That’s not the case“. As we walked out of the bar onto the sidewalk, another group started commenting to “Bubba” with “You are definitely not making it to Church tomorrow!“. He jokingly shouts “BYE NOW!!!“. He can see that I’ve overheard all of it.
So, I grabbed his hand and we proceeded to skip down the street in full leather and tall Wesco Boots with 15+ people just staring at is… their lusty fantasies of two masculine Men leaving the Leather bar totally ruined.
At times, people project how they want to see in people. The Leather Scene can be sooooo serrrrious at times. It doesn’t need to be. The laughter that followed our romp down Clark Street made my entire weekend.
Tom of Finland SMURFS?
An important PSA about Gay Men & #SELFIE Addictions
LOL!: “Cheap Undies”
Zac Efron’s “Junk”
LOL!: Tom of Finland cross stitch kit
Here’s what happens when you mix Porn Stars & Beyonce
LOL!: “Hanky Codes’ Get A Modern Update”
LOL!: “Would you have Sex with Paul Rudd?”
Happy Monday…
LOL!: “#DickPic”
CUTE BROTHERS: Chris & Scott Evans
You know, I would think this was a really sexy photo if it didn’t remind me of the hill from my favorite childhood movie “THE GOONIES” where “Brand” flies off a cliff on a little girl’s bike. LOL!
LOL!: “Bad Johnson”
Here’s a movie for anyone that is a “Player” … or Chronic Masturbator.