Tag Archives: LOL
LOL!: Vintage Gymspiration (or Vintage Porn?)
LOL!: “#Selfie”
LOL!: Rubber Kermit?
PowerBar’s Vanilla Crisp “Special Ingredient”
LOL!: Sleep… with Neil Patrick Harris
LOL!: A Furry Cartoon that never made it to Saturday Mornings
Thank you to Pup Atlas for sharing this.
LOL!: “Bro-Reps”
I honestly have a hard time watching these funny videos. The guy playing “Danny Bro-Flex, Dan Bailey, is just… uh, OMG… he’s fuckin’ sexy… and inspiring. Trying to separate the silly from the sexy can be hard for me to process. But, knowing when to be serious and when to be silly also makes him all the more desirable.
LOL!: Interesting choice in balloon valves
LOL!: Luge
Canada intended this to look so homoerotic.
This ad made by The Canadian Institute of Diversity and Inclusion is just begging for controversial Internet flame wars.
The ad was made in response to a Russian law preventing the promotion of homosexuality to minors that passed last June. To some, it means banning any display of homosexuality whatsoever, and the LGBT community doesn’t take kindly to that. Considering that the Sochi Olympics open this week, a lot of attention is being drawn to this.
This ad is stirring up discussions about a couple of issues: gay rights, which has been a hot-button issue for a while now, and public display and protest. What constitutes “propaganda”, and when is it justifiable, if ever? I’m sure we’ll hear plenty about it.
LOL!: “Not Looking” (HBO series “Looking” parody)
When Panorama Photos Go Wrong…
Even more at the original article.
For my Kinky Mathematician friends…
Facebook Drama
LOL: Grindr in real life
LOL!- Vin Diesel… Dancing & Lip Syncing to Katy Perry & Beyonce