Happy New Year!!! (belated)

I’d like to take a moment away from everyone’s endless hunt for Porn to thank everyone for reading my Blog which started as a silly little hobby I started 5+ years ago as a way to show a certain SIR the kind of play I was looking for.  It’s safe to say in that short period of time the world and internet have both changed a great deal.  Not necessarily for the better for a Blogger.   But, you know, despite the changes, it’s still fun. I enjoy expressing my kink interests, sharing what I find sexy and also very much enjoy promoting Kink Events around the world.  Especially the smaller events. Coming from a small town in Ohio, it’s rather moving to see the smaller kink events grow. 

So, you may have noticed that I took a little hiatus for about a month from Blogging.  Back in December, I organized a 2nd trip for 14 friends to go to Hawaii.  This year, we rented a house on Kealakekua Bay on the Big Island. It was crazy beautiful. Lots of adventures and laughing.  In the end, my vacation was nearly 2 weeks long on the island with some of my most beloved and special friends including my boy.  Life slows down while you’re on the islands.  It’s a euphoric atmosphere and very relaxing. I actually forgot to blog.



 A friend snapped this photo of me at Green Sands Beach.

So, after a month of very sporadic blogging, why start back up now?

Because, I’m fucking horny.  Chastity sucks.  (kinda)

During MAL 2014 I reconnected with a SIR I used to play with and have since been making regular visits to his home to serve him and his boyfriend.   These visits woke the sleeping “Giant Bottom” in me.  I’d been topping for years and loving it… yet, that bottom side of me went unattended to. Hell, I’ve even been a Puppy for them. It’d been 17 years since I had been in that sort of headspace.  They are the reason why I am currently “locked up” and suffering from a severe case of blue balls.

These SIRs are certainly “fulfilling” that “bottom side” of me (all puns intended) and I think finally I’ve learned a healthy balance between being Dominant and submissive that I’ve fought to achieve for years. This makes me very happy.

I’ve been “locked up” for 4 days now but haven’t cum in 10 days per SIRS’ orders before a nearly 3 day visit tomorrow (I’d go longer if work permitted).  As you might guess,  when I am horny, I want to blog more.  Being ordered to not to cum means more blog entries.  I’m hoping they keep me locked up more so that I’ll want to blog more, too.  

These new experience have made me think about the future of my Blog.   If I have a New Year’s Resolution to share… it’s that I want to step up the quality of my silly blog hobby by doing more editorial blogging sharing some of the fun I’ve been having as a bottom *AND* a Top. Not in attempt to brag or boast about my experiences but to hopefully inspire as so many others do for me.  In particular, to inspire guys my age that you can still have whatever kind of fun your heart (on) desires after you hit 40.  

Starting with a photo of incredible suspension bondage I was put through in SIRS’ dungeon.


 Happy New Year to all.  May you find balance and adventure in 2015!


My Throw Back Thursday (#TBT) for today…

Me and my favorite Red Head at a BLUF Gathering during IML many years ago.  I miss that boy.  Truly one of the most submissive bondage boys I’ve ever met.  I liked when he kept just enough hair on top of his head to hold his face still when I slapped him.  The smile on his face was always a mixture of “Ow”, Laughter and “again SIR?”.

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Photos from the REEBOK CrossFit Regional Competition in Chicago

Here’s a few photos I took from the Reebok CrossFit Regionals (competition) a month ago at the Navy Pier in Chicago. Only way I can really describe this event is to compare it to a Kink Event. The energy of all these people with the same interest causes the same sort of camaraderie that I’ve seen every year at IML, Fur-Con and, hell, even at Comic-Con. And, I won’t lie. Yes, walking in, you get that vibe “Am I at a Cult meeting?”. I got the same feeling when when I went to my first Furry Convention. Then, you hear 25 people from one gym cheer on their friend in this huge venue. I couldn’t be help but to be moved by that. A lot of pride and love for their friend. Who wouldn’t appreciate that? This was televised on ESPN, too.

Hey, isn’t that like when we cheer on our friend trying to win a Leather Title? Ha!

Also, I have to point out the obvious. So much WOOF in one place. The majority of the athletes actually mingled with fans after their work outs offering advice and photos.  Super, super nice guys (and gals).  Very supportive.   There was also a market with vendors. Many giving away tons of free stuff.  Who doesn’t like free stuff?   Yes, I will take that Protein Shaker. Thank you, MusclePharm.

Oh, hey, that sounds like a Leather Market!  Yes, I will take that free cum rag. Thank you, Steamworks.

I’ve been into CrossFit less than a year now. It makes me very happy. After watching the age 40-44 division, I can confidently say that I left this event feeling inspired and yet REALISTIC of what I can do. It was very interesting watching guys in their 20’s and 30’s do a particular technique… and comparing to guys in their 40’s.  The guys in their 40’s held their own.

BUT… just because your friend can take a 2 Fists doesn’t mean you can even take 1.

Enjoy the photos. I clearly need to get a better lens for my camera for next year’s event. If I’m not competing. *Dreaming away*

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RUFF THOUGHTS: “Goodbye to the Inked Hottie at my Gym”

Yesterday, I ended my Gym Membership so that I can pursue the perfection of my CrossFit techniques and hopefully compete someday (that’s another topic). I thought it was rather ironic that on my last day at this gym, I’d see several of my Gym Crushes including the Inked Hottie that I’ve talked about in the past. He has the greatest Chicago Theater banner tattoo’d on one of his calf muscles. Living in Chicago, you’ll see A LOT of Chicago Love displayed on human skin. His is really well done. He’s also so damn clean cut when he arrives. Sometimes, in a business suit with a respectable hair cut. Incredible body. blue eyes and a look about him that says… “You wouldn’t know it but I’m a real kinky fuck under this Clean Cut All American boy look”. Just the way I like em’.

I’ve never been good at creepily snapping photos of guys while they’re not looking but here’s a few photos and a video for me to remember him by. Thanks for the Gym-Spiration (and Tattoo inspiration), Handsome.


 The video looks much better with a full screen.

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CONGRATS to Andy “Cosmic Roo”… Mr. International Rubber 17!!


Andy CosmicRoo, Mr. Rubber Toronto, Wins Mr. International Rubber 17

Mr. Midwest Rubber Jesse is 1st runner-up

Mr. Fetish Leather Austria InTrouble is 2nd runner-up.

Isn’t he adorable?

What a fun weekend with a well deserved Rubberman chosen to represent the Rubber Community.  I’ve been watching Andy “Cosmic Roo” on his journey up to MIR on Instagram and Twitter for about a year now.  His enthusiasm, sense of humor and creativity making his own rubber gear was impressive and always made me smile.  While ALL of the contestants were fantastic, this Toronto Rubberman got my audience vote at the end of the night.   Absolutely thrilled he won.  You can follow and SUPPORT him during his year as MIR 17 at the links below.

Andy “Cosmic Roo”‘ Twitter Page

Andy “Cosmic Roo'” Facebook Page

I was lucky enough to be given a Press Pass for MIR weekend which I took advantage. Let’s just say I have my work cut out for me sorting through a great deal of sexy shiny photos.   Many are fun candid shots.  And, yes, there will be a “BULGE REPORT: MIR Edition.    I hope to share them here sometime this week.

How I spent my day at Dore Alley Fair 2013

Well, part of the day anyways. It’d been a very, very long time since I was anyone’s public Bondage Boy.  I’ll post a more in depth review of my Dore Alley Fair weekend later on but this was the highlight of the trip.  Thank you, SIR.


RUFF THOUGHTS: I’m back… but didn’t leave

Welcome to the new location of my blog…


It’s about time that I went and upgraded to a “big boy blog”.  I just wish it wouldn’t have been as dramatic and rushed as Google forced it to be with their Policy Change regarding Porn. (They’re deleted adult blogs now)


A little history behind this Blog:

When I started the first Blog, it was a way relay my Kink interests to a certain SIR in my life. Posting photos and commenting about them connected us in a powerful way that I couldn’t vocally (a picture says a thousand words).   After a while, I started to see how I could use it to promote upcoming Kink Community events like the Chicago Rubbermen parties, small kink businesses, artists, photographers and charity events.  “Use my powers for good” if you will.  I also started posting information on Safe BDSM Play, displaying Reader Submissions, opinions/reviews on BDSM Gear and, of course, showing more and more kinky stuff found throughout the interwebs.  Giving credit where it’s due whenever possible.

Then, the whole affiliate program business started where I was having businesses like KINK.com  *asking* me to advertise.  Which really isn’t that profitable to be honest but hey… “Bitches gotta eat”.

I seriously have done my damnest to make this blog be an even distribution of those affiliate programs AND what I originally set out this blog to be.  Anyone that knows me will tell you that I’m really self conscious about this.   I don’t want to come across as a sell out… but at the same time, in the last 5 years, I have seen those Events, Communities and small businesses *grow*… and I know I’ve helped introduce more than a few Reader Submissions to a new SIR or boy (you know who you are!).

So, that rare negativity I receive for this silly blog?   Whatever.

I also need to recognize the incredibly sweet interactions I have gotten from Readers (especially during that shitty week when Google pulled a serious douche bag move). In person at events and electronically, you guys have been very supportive (especially Metalbond, Sparky, “Stranger”). Even the trucker at a Indiana Turnpike gas station who recognized me and offered to show his appreciation with a handjob.  (Pass, but thanks!).   It’s because of Sparky of the NO SAFEWORD Podcast that I was introduced to NastyFukka who basically saved my Blog from what Google described as eminent death.

Thanks again to all.   Please feel free to update your Websites with my new URL.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled masturbation.  🙂

