Scenes from an Intense Flogging at Folsom Street Fair

From what I understand, the story behind these photos is that the boy’s MASTER told Richard that in the boy’s culture, they do not show much emotion, much less cry. He was told that the boy would not call out a Safeword. That he never does.  Just not the way he was raised.

*The boy agreed 100%*

So, needless to say, this was a challenge for Richard.  The boy kept asking for more.  To the stranger’s eye at the fair, this started as something scary to watch, but ended in something very beautiful and even spiritual, especially after 30+ minutes when the boy broke down and cried. Richard and the boy’s MASTER held him. He was all smiles of appreciation, riding on an adrenaline high the rest of the day. 

Can you imagine what it’d be like to be raised as a child to never display any sort of emotion, always holding it all in because you did not want to be considered Weak… only to publicly break like this?  This would change your life.  You can’t buy an emotional release like that.  I will *NEVER* forget this scene.  Epic.

Click on the photos for a much larger view.

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