Julian – The Wages of Sin – Chapter 9

Julian lies collapsed, almost in shock, on the rack.  His lawful punishment concluded days ago, yet he has not been released.   He’s been kept naked, in pain, hungry and exhausted,  for so long he’s lost track of time.  He is well aware the guard torturing him is a sadist who  enjoys torturing a muscular body like his.  Today will be no different.  The guard, Anthony Martin, awakes his favorite muscle boy with a hard blow to his abs.  He continues to flog the screaming stud until his golden skin turns red,  then switches to a bamboo cane, using it on the soles of the stud’s feet and, even more cruelly, on the sides of his armpits and chest.  In the end, Julian is stretched on the rack to his breaking point and left in agony for many more hours.  When will it end?  Maybe when Julian’s physique begins to decline from lack of food, exercise and sleep. But that could take weeks.